====== 802.11 Deauthentication Reason Codes ====== ^Client Reason Code^Description ^Meaning ^Poor Man Explaination ^ | 0|noReasonCode|Normal operation.|| | 1|unspecifiedReason|Client associated but no longer authorized.|We don’t know what’s wrong| | 2|previousAuthNotValid|Client associated but not authorized.| | 3|deauthenticationLeaving|The access point went offline, deauthenticating the client.|Deauthenticated because sending STA is leaving (or has left) IBSS or ESS| | 4|disassociationDueToInactivity|Client session timeout exceeded.|Disassociated due to inactivity| | 5|disassociationAPBusy|The access point is busy, performing load balancing, for example.|Disassociated because AP is unable to handle all currently associated STAs| | 6|class2FrameFromNonAuthStation|Client attempted to transfer data before it was authenticated.|Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated STA| | 7|class2FrameFromNonAssStation|Client attempted to transfer data before it was associated.|Class 3 frame received from nonassociated STA| | 8|disassociationStaHasLeft|Operating System moved the client to another access point using non-aggressive load balancing.|Disassociated because sending STA is leaving (or has left) BSS| | 9|staReqAssociationWithoutAuth|Client not authorized yet, still attempting to associate with an access point.|STA requesting (re)association is not authenticated with responding STA| | 10|Disassociated because the information in the Power Capability element is unacceptable|| | 11|Disassociated because the information in the Supported Channels element is unacceptable|| | 12|Reserved|Not Used or Special Purpose|| | 13|Invalid information element.|| | 14|Message integrity code (MIC) failure|| | 15|4-Way Handshake timeout|| | 16|Group Key Handshake timeout|| | 17|Information element in 4-Way Handshake different from (Re)Association Request/Probe Response/Beacon frame|| | 18|Invalid group cipher or Association denied due to requesting STA not supporting all of the data rates in the BSSBasicRateSet parameter|*NEW* The link speed requested by the client or AP is incompatible. (i,e. trying to operate N only speeds on a G AP)| | 19|Invalid pairwise cipher|| | 20|Invalid AKMP|| | 21|Unsupported RSN information element version|| | 22|Invalid RSN information element capabilities|| | 23|IEEE 802.1X authentication failed|| | 24|Cipher suite rejected because of the security policy|| | 25-31|Reserved|Not Used or Special Purpose| | 32|Disassociated for unspecified, QoS-related reason|Quality of Service has denied the action.| | 33|Disassociated because QoS AP lacks sufficient bandwidth for this QoS STA| | 34|Disassociated because excessive number of frames need to be acknowledged, but are not acknowledged due to AP transmissions and/or poor channel conditions|| | 35|Disassociated because STA is transmitting outside the limits of its TXOPs| | 36|Requested from peer STA as the STA is leaving the BSS (or resetting) | 37|Requested from peer STA as it does not want to use the mechanism | 38|Requested from peer STA as the STA received frames using the mechanism for which a setup is required|| | 39|Requested from peer STA due to timeout|| | 45|Peer STA does not support the requested cipher suite|| | 45-65|Reserved|Not Used or Special Purpose| | 99|missingReasonCode|Typically “No Reason Code” / Unknown State| | 535|Reserved|Not Used or Special Purpose| The first few reason codes where helpful while debugging my wifi related issues.