
Cronologia delle configurazioni eduroam CAT e relativa outer identity

Usare la data del giorno SUCCESSIVO a quando si apporta la modifica.

! = Installer non funzionante o malfunzionante
> = Installer attualmente in uso
last outer iddatechanges
anonymous201810252018 10 25anonymous outer identity support
anonymous201905282019 05 28Builtin eap ttls support for win 8 and 8.1 instead of Geantlink (already enabled for windows10 and perhaps we use PEAP)
anonymous202009232020 09 23Dropped support for Android 4.4-6, Added Sectigo CA
anonymous202010162020 10 16Regenerated installer due to strange behaviour of CAT servvice
anonymous202203102022 03 10Hidden profile, Sectigo and Digicert CAs, Wi-Fi only (mainly for MacBooks without wired ethernet): no wired profile
anonymous202204272022 04 27Purged Digicert CA in order to avoid issues witch old eduroamCAT Android app Géant info
anonymous20220826w2022 08 26Hidden profile, Wi-Fi only (mainly for MacBooks without wired ethernet): no wired profile. Remove/Disable eduroam-setup SSID by default upon installation. Special outer identity for realm verification set to CAT-verifica-realm
!anonymous20241128w2024 11 28Fixed CA chain adding intermediate CA USERTrust RSA Certification Authority
>anonymous20241211w2024 12 11Fixed wrong intermediate CA USERTrust RSA Certification Authority not working on Windows 11
anonymous202208262022 08 26Remove/Disable eduroam-setup SSID by default upon installation. Special outer identity for realm verification set to CAT-verifica-realm
anonymous202209162022 09 15Resolved windows installer bug by CAT devs
!anonymous202411282024 11 28Fixed CA chain adding intermediate CA USERTrust RSA Certification Authority
>anonymous202412112024 12 11Fixed wrong intermediate CA USERTrust RSA Certification Authority not working on Windows 11

L'ultimo outer ID va configurato anche in

  1. phobos:/var/www/connessione/checkprofile.php per motivi di diagnostica utente.
  2. in policy.d/filter.local server default per la schermata di errore (attualmente non in uso)

Profili collegati

CA multiple

Le CA multiple nei profili eduroamCAT sono supportate su Android dalla versione Android 7.0 “Nougat”

CA multiple per la gestione del CA rollover non sono supportate dall'app eduroamCAT per Android Géant info

Controllo del CN

Android fino alla versione 7.0 “Nougat” compresa non verifica il CN del certificato su quello contenuto nel profilo.

Governance del progetto

Cosa Code Base Documentazione Nome email Afferenza
Windows InstallerTomasz Wolniewicztwoln@umk.plUniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika

Debug installer Windows


Crittografia ellittica sui radius server

In /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf add:

ec_curve = prime256v1

In /etc/freeradius/3.0/mycerts/openssl.cnf add:

default_bits = 256
default_keyfile = privkey.pem
default_md = sha256
default_key = ec

Commands to generate private key and certificate request:

openssl ecparam -genkey -name prime256v1 -noout -out ec_private.key
openssl req -config openssl.cnf -key ec_private.key -out harica.csr -new
