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Checklist for wireless connections to the eduroam network

When requesting assistance due to problems connecting to the eduroam network, please carry out the following checks in advance and communicate some data to speed up the identification of the problem:

  1. try to connect from an office of the University of Trieste: the eduroam network is also propagated by other institutions (for example ARDISS, Municipality of Trieste, SISSA and many others) so you need to start by asking the institution for assistance at which the problems are encountered. In any case, the data requested below are useful for technicians of any organization to carry out checks.
  2. check that you are in an area with good coverage (for example at least 3 bars), possibly moving around the area, otherwise the problem could simply be due to the signal being too weak (Note: the signal could be sufficient for one device but not for another ).
  3. check that you have configured the device by installing the configuration profile as described on the website eduroam.units.it
  4. make sure you enter your login username without spaces at the beginning or end
  5. if using University of Trieste credentials, please verify that you are using the correct password via the password verification procedure on https://helpdesk.units.it

The data that should be communicated in requests for assistance are (some questions may appear irrelevant, but serve to exclude ambiguity):

  1. Exact name of the network you are trying to access if different from “eduroam”.
  2. The device displays the network among the available networks yes/no.
  3. The device can connect to this network without errors yes/no (report the reported errors).
  4. Username used, exactly as entered (NEVER communicate the password!).
  5. Client type (PC, notebook, netbook, smartphone, tablet, etc…), see here: https://docu.units.it/dokuwiki/connect:wifi-incompat (in Italian) for a list of devices with known incompatibilities.
  6. Operating system used (Windows, Mac, Linux Ubuntu, Linux Debian, Android, etc…) and its version.
  7. Location (building).
  8. The problem occurs only in this area yes/no.
  9. Is the problem common to other people yes (how many)/no/don't know.
  10. The problem is common to your other devices that use the same login account yes (how many)/no/not applicable.
  11. Has the device used connected to this network successfully in the past? yes (when)/no.
    1. If so, have there been any changes since you last successfully connected? (system update, change wireless network card, reinstallation of the operating system or eduroam installer, etc…)
  12. Does the problem occur always, often, occasionally, especially at certain times?
  13. Report at least one time (date, hour and approximate minute) in the last two months when you experienced the problem.
  14. One or more messages are presented during connection to the network no/yes (report messages).
  15. During connection to the network you are asked to enter further data no/yes (report the type of data requested and the values entered EXCLUDING PASSWORDS).
  16. Browser used (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Dolphin, Android Browser, etc…).
  17. Report any other useful detail to better describe the exact problem encountered.
connect/wifi/sec-help-checklist-en.txt · Ultima modifica: 2024/02/28 10:29 (13 mesi fa) da albrizio
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